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Test: Relative Clauses 1

Opis testu:
Uzupełnij zdania przy pomocy zaimków who, which, where, whose
Liczba pytań:
15206 razy
Średnia ocena:
6,00 (1 ocena)
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Ustawienia testu

Lista pytań Relative Clauses 1

  1. The film _______ I told you about will be on TV tonight.whichZgłoś błąd
  2. The man _______ you wanted to meet has just come.whoZgłoś błąd
  3. My neighbour ,_______ is an opera singer, is moving away,whoZgłoś błąd
  4. All the King's Men, _______is a great novel, was written by Robert Penn Warren.whichZgłoś błąd
  5. Wrocław, _______ Town Hall was built in the 13th century, is well worth a visit.whoseZgłoś błąd
  6. The city _______ streets are the cleanest will win the competition.whoseZgłoś błąd
  7. The person _______ car is blocking the access to the hotel is kindly requested to remove it.whoseZgłoś błąd
  8. Prague, _______ is a beautiful city, is the capital of the Czech Republic.whichZgłoś błąd
  9. The centre of Stratford-on-Avon, _______ Shakespeare was born, looks very much the same as in his days.whereZgłoś błąd
  10. The Alps, _______ we go hiking every summer, are very crowded in winter.whereZgłoś błąd
  11. That's the hotel _______ I used to stay when I came to this town.whereZgłoś błąd
  12. The man _______ has just passed us is my neighbour.whoZgłoś błąd
  13. The guy _______ we met in the bar is wanted by the police.whoZgłoś błąd
  14. The camera _______ I bought last week is already broken.whichZgłoś błąd
  15. This is a device _______ switches on and off the TV.whichZgłoś błąd
  16. A receipt is a document _______ shows that you have paid for what you have bought.whichZgłoś błąd
  17. A classroom is a room_______ you have lessons.whereZgłoś błąd
  18. A scarf is the thing _______ you put round your neck to keep warm.whichZgłoś błąd
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