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Test: Question formation 2

Opis testu:
Dokończ pytanie o fragment podanego zdania np.

John lives in Dublin.

odp: does John live

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Liczba pytań:
1327 razy
Średnia ocena:
6,00 (3 oceny)
Średni wynik:
grammar, Question formation, what, which, who, whose, why

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Ustawienia testu

Lista pytań Question formation 2

  1. I'm looking for my keys. What .....................?are you looking for|are you doingZgłoś błąd
  2. Sue has been teaching Spanish for five years. How long.....................Spanish?has Sue been teaching |has she been teachingZgłoś błąd
  3. Jack's brother works for the BBC. Whose .....................?brother works for the BBCZgłoś błąd
  4. His latest article is about phishing. What .....................?is his latest article aboutZgłoś błąd
  5. Olivia has answered twenty questions. How .....................?many questions has Olivia answered|many questions has she answeredZgłoś błąd
  6. It tastes like vinegar. What .....................?does it taste likeZgłoś błąd
  7. They arrived in Paris yesterday. When .....................?did they arrive in ParisZgłoś błąd
  8. Thomas Saint invented a sewing machine in 1791. Who 1791? invented a sewing machineZgłoś błąd
  9. She was shocked by the way people behaved. What ..............................................?was she shocked byZgłoś błąd
  10. Stephen collaborated on the book with John Higgins. Who .....................?did Stephen collaborate on the book with|collaborated on the book with John HigginsZgłoś błąd
  11. The pen drive belongs to my sister. Who .....................?does the pen drive belong toZgłoś błąd
  12. He had been training karate for two years when he earned a blue belt. How long.................when he earned a blue belt?had he been training karateZgłoś błąd
  13. 9672 people entered the race in 2009. How many .....................?people entered the race in 2009Zgłoś błąd
  14. He forgot to invite Mary? Who .....................?did he forget to inviteZgłoś błąd
  15. I've read "The Lord of the Rings" five times. How ....................."The Lord of the Rings"?many times have you read Zgłoś błąd
  16. Tom has never been abroad. Has .....................?Tom ever been abroad|he ever been abroadZgłoś błąd
  17. Alison is going to apply for a job at Walmart. What .....................?is Alison going to apply for|is she going to apply for|job is Alison going to apply for|job is she going to apply forZgłoś błąd
  18. He is taking a course in contemporary literature. What course .....................?is he takingZgłoś błąd
  19. They usually go skiing in Austria. Where .....................?do they usually go skiingZgłoś błąd
  20. People will be using solar powered cars in near future. What near future?will people be usingZgłoś błąd
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