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Test: Question Formation 1

Opis testu:
Do zdania z wytłuszczonym wyrazem zadaj pytanie o podkreślony wyraz (1 Pytanie szczegółowe) a do zdania bez zaznaczonych wyrazów ułóż pytanie na które odpowiadamy tak lub nie (2)

1 John comes from Leeds.
Where does John come from?

2 John comes from Leeds.
Does John come from Leeds?

Odpowiedź zawiera znak zapytania.
W ustawieniach można zmienić czas pokazywania odpowiedzi i inne opcje.
Liczba pytań:
3139 razy
Średnia ocena:
5,83 (6 ocen)
Średni wynik:
grammar, Question formation, what, who, whose, why

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Ustawienia testu

Lista pytań Question Formation 1

  1. John often goes out on Saturdays. .................................?Does John often go out on Saturdays?Zgłoś błąd
  2. He lost his wallet yesterday. .................................?What did he lose yesterday?Zgłoś błąd
  3. She has never been to Brussels. .................................?Has she ever been to Brussels?Zgłoś błąd
  4. He is reading a comic. .................................?What is he reading?Zgłoś błąd
  5. They are going to invite Jack. .................................?Who are they going to invite?Zgłoś błąd
  6. They never get up before six am. .................................?Do they ever get up before six am?Zgłoś błąd
  7. Peter is waiting for the boss. .................................?Who is waiting for the boss?Zgłoś błąd
  8. Eight people have been injured. .................................?How many people have been injured?Zgłoś błąd
  9. Amy works as a freelance photographer. .................................?Who works as a freelance photographer?Zgłoś błąd
  10. They met last year. .................................?When did they meet?Zgłoś błąd
  11. Next conference will be held in Madrid. .................................?Will next conference be held in Madrid?Zgłoś błąd
  12. She has written two novels. .................................?How many novels has she written?Zgłoś błąd
  13. I want the white T-shirt not the red one. .................................?Which T-shirt do you want?|Which one do you want?Zgłoś błąd
  14. I didn't tell you the truth because you wouldn't have believed me. .................................?Why didn't you tell me the truth?Zgłoś błąd
  15. I met Kevin's boss last week. .................................?Whose boss did you meet last week?Zgłoś błąd
  16. It's going to rain. .................................?Is it going to rain?Zgłoś błąd
  17. I was born in 1990. .................................?When were you born?Zgłoś błąd
  18. He was busy all day yesterday. .................................?Was he busy all day yesterday?Zgłoś błąd
  19. They have graded all the tests. .................................?Have they graded all the tests?Zgłoś błąd
  20. I will never do it? .................................?What will you never do?Zgłoś błąd
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