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Test: Phrasal verbs in context 1 (B2)

Opis testu:
Uzupełnij zdanie właściwym czasownikiem złożonym. (Znaczenie i czas w którym występuje czasownik podane są w nawiasie na końcu zdania)
Liczba pytań:
702 razy
Średnia ocena:
5,00 (1 ocena)
Średni wynik:
czasownik złożony, phrasal verbs

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Lista pytań Phrasal verbs in context 1 (B2)

  1. Panic .......... when the captain told passengers to return to their seats because of turbulence. (started suddenly) broke outZgłoś błąd
  2. Some students .......... of university due to high tuition fees.(leave university)drop outZgłoś błąd
  3. You have to climb hundreds of steps but the view will .......... the effort. (compensate)make up forZgłoś błąd
  4. The survey must be ......... at night. (done, performed)carried outZgłoś błąd
  5. A World Cup ski jump was ........ because of heavy snow and high winds. (cancelled) called offZgłoś błąd
  6. He not only saw the problem, he analyzed it, and then .......... a solution, which works. (thought of)came up with Zgłoś błąd
  7. Jean-Paul Sartre, who consistently .......... all public honors, didn't accept his 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature.(refused, rejected)turned down Zgłoś błąd
  8. The last problem was much more difficult and took me two hours to ........... the answer. (find solution)work outZgłoś błąd
  9. Read course descriptions on the school website before you decide to .......... a course. (join)sign up forZgłoś błąd
  10. Stan .......... many of his colleagues because he wasn't used to working in a team.(quarreled with)fell out withZgłoś błąd
  11. The teacher paused to allow the students to .......... him in their note taking (stop being behind)catch up withZgłoś błąd
  12. The assistant .......... all the sweets and helped to put the children at ease. (distributed) gave out Zgłoś błąd
  13. The minister promised to .......... wasteful spending in health care. (investigate)look intoZgłoś błąd
  14. The participants of the summit hope it will help .......... a real deal for climate change. (cause to happen)bring about Zgłoś błąd
  15. It seems that technology has .......... our life. (gained contol)taken overZgłoś błąd
  16. Students who often miss school .......... their peers in the classroom. (fail to remain level)fall behindZgłoś błąd
  17. October is the best time for .......... your garden. (making neat)tidying upZgłoś błąd
  18. The mystery woman .......... to be Britney Spears lookalike. (proved to be)turned outZgłoś błąd
  19. This rumour comes from a UK gossip magazine, so it's almost certainly just been .......... . (invented)made upZgłoś błąd
  20. I find it extremely difficult to get my son to ............ his toys after he finished playing with them. (store) put awayZgłoś błąd
  21. The older generations need help to cope with social change .......... by technology. (caused by)brought aboutZgłoś błąd
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